Origins of species

Inge Frette (
Fri, 14 Aug 1998 16:31:51 +0200

Hello folks,


just heard on the radio news and read in the newspaper that
100 university professors here in Norway (we have 4 universities in
this country) have voted for the most important
non-fiction book ever written. They voted on ten books each and
the 100 books that got most votes will be translated and published in
Norwegian in a new book series.

The book that got most votes - it got twice as many votes as number two - was
Charles Darwin's "Origins of species"
This indicates that this is the most (or maybe one of the most)
important books ever written - according to our Norwegian academic friends.
I am not sure whether these people would put a fiction book above this
book in importance.

Best regards from Inge

Olav Inge Frette Schlumberger Geco-Prakla
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