Re: Interesting comment by John Morris

Jan de Koning (
Thu, 06 Aug 1998 17:27:24 -0400

At 12:11 PM 06/08/98 -0500, Al wrote:
>In the Feb 1998 issue of "Back to Genesis" (an insert in Acts and Facts
>from ICR), John Morris comments on the Firing Line debate creation team:
>"None of the anti-evolutionists were Biblical creationists, choosing to
>leave God and His record of origins out of the discussion. By not
>relying on the Genesis Flood to explain fossils, the curse as the
>ultimate source of mutations and extinctions, the God of the Bible as the
>intelligence behind the design we see, their position was weakened and
>disunited. ICR very much appreciates the work of Johnson, Behe, and
>Berlinski, but we recognize that without Biblical creationism they fall
>short of a God-pleasing mark. Any form of old-earth thinking, theistic
>evolution, or progressive creation is so similar to secular evolution
>that their defense is ultimately a waste of time."
>One area of frustration that I have felt towards Johnson and Behe is
>their hemming and hawing on the age of the earth issue and the degree of
>natural processes that God used in accomplishing life as we see it. The
>YEC side clearly sees through their reluctance, but doesn't it just
>continue to confound the secular world that believes that their are only
>two sides to this discussion ?
My greatest frustration is that many do not recognize, that nothing on this
earth happens outside God's will. We do not understand how God works, but
even so-called "natural evolution" is completely under God's will, and thus
trying to call it "old age creation" or anything else is only a screen.
Why, even YEC cannot deny evolution. God created, and we historians,
physicists, theologians, chemists, geologists etc. are only trying to study
what we find and at the same we read the bible as the Word of God. That
reading is probably the hardest part. Especially, when one wants to read
the bible as a text book in the modern way. That is not how the Bible was
written, and consequently, it should not be read that way.

Jan de Koning
Willowdale, Ont.