On honesty

John W Burgeson (johnwilliamburgeson@juno.com)
Sat, 31 Jan 1998 12:05:49 -0700

Gordie wrote:
"Barbara Ehrenreich has written a generally critical review of the
Carter's book for _Time_ magazine, March 25, 1996, which is available at


In particular, she describes it as "alarmingly content free" and refers
Carter's effort to "extricate himself from the swamps of moral

Burgy, it appears that the case for replacing "honesty" by "integrity" as
a fundamental virtue is weak at best."

Carter's book, which I continue to endorse, includes some content with
which I disagree. But one critical review hardly makes the case. Have you
read the book?

Let's take one case where integrity outweighs honesty. Again, it is not
hard to come up with many examples.

It is 1938 and you live in Berlin. In your basement are your Jewish
neighbors. The Gestapo rings your doorbell and asks you to speak honestly
about their whereabouts.

You and I both know the right thing to do is be dishonest. In so being,
to be a person of integrity.


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