Anyone can say this, knowing full well that no one has the time to
adequatly research all the thousands of statments to document a 'lie.'
Not to mention the near impossiblity of 'proving' that something is a
My statement was not based on being able to prove beyond a shadow of
doubt that someone deliberatly lied. Rather, it is an expression of the
over all feeling one gets by reading the FAQs and especially the T.O.
newsgroup that lies and half-truths pass for gospel. It is not that
everything is error, but rather a mixture of error and truth -- much as
the tree of the knowledge-of-good-and-evil.
I'm not saying that anyone deliberatly lies, although some may. Rather,
that certain teachings or positions are lies in that they are anti-God.
The father of lies promotes these ideas in opposition to the God truth.