>At 02:39 PM 1/28/98 -0500, Steve wrote:
>> Can anyone who dislikes these archives (James, Allen, Art) provide me with
>>some specific examples of unfairness or bias in any of the FAQs? I won't say
>>you're wrong, since I haven't read them all, but I haven't really seen it.
>Obviously all articles posted there are biased (if not they would not be
>posted there). As to fairness, it is fair to its reason for existing, but
>it is by no stretch an effort by fair minded individuals to arrive at
>truth, as you well know, and have attested yourself. Of course there are
>fair-minded, but I would judge, misguided individuals who do post stuff
>there occasionally. This is not the rule though. Much of their archival
>materials are directed against YEC's, and others with obvious vengeance.
Only in the sense that everyone and everything on earth is biased Art.
Should someone avoid the numerous YEC web sites because they're obviously biased?
After all, they would never, ever post something the least bit critical of YEC.
Of course it presents a specific point of view because that is it's purpose.
That doesn't mean the information given there is of poor quality. I've found
much of the information to be of a high caliber and, as I've said, abundant
references are usually given to the primary scientific literature. I suppose the
primary scientific literature is biased and not worthy of attention either?
Many of the FAQs in the T.O. archives address documented falsehoods and,
yes, lies spread by some in the YEC movement. Is it wrong to discuss how, for
example, some prominent people in the YEC movement promoted themselves with false credentials (i.e. degrees from known diploma mills and even schools that did not
even exist). Is it OK for Christians to lie if it's to support a "good" cause?
I see no examples supporting your claims Art, only rhetoric about how misguided
you believe them to be and, quite frankly, your discussions on this list show
that you're pretty biased yourself since your religious beliefs demand a global
flood. My religious beliefs can accomodate a flood or no flood. And, as I've
often said before, I wish I could see evidence for a global flood or a young-earth
in the rocks since it would greatly simplify my life :).
- Steve.
-- Steven H. Schimmrich Assistant Professor of GeologyPhysical Sciences Department schimmri@kutztown.edu (office) Kutztown University schimmrich@earthlink.net (home) 217 Grim Science Building 610-683-4437, 610-683-1352 (fax) Kutztown, Pennsylvania 19530 http://home.earthlink.net/~schimmrich/