Couldn't agree more (even if my post I am copying might not sound like
it!). I use the information myself from T.O. archive but I do not point
other Christians directly to it. Even since I wrote what I will paste on
the end of this message, I began to think I was probably not critical
enough of T.O. archive. I would prefer to suggest readings such as Davis
Young's books and article on Geology and Scripture in the WTJ. High on my
list are also Ronald Numbers' "The Creationists" and Del Ratzch's "The
Battle of Beginnings." I just added links to reviews of these books to my
web site (these are all links to files at Schimmrich's site BTW).
The following is something I posted to the "evolution" list just a couple
of days ago (I got a little carried away but I won't edit it):
Allen Roy said:
>I saw that you had read all the T.O FAQs. Now that you have read all
>the lies and half truth you should read from the following:
>The Revolution against Evolution
>There are many articles on many topics which were lied about in T.O.
While there are many articles that suggest different interpretaions of facts
at this site I don't see much in the way of facts showing that the T.O faqs
contain lies. I am always hearing about these lies but have yet to see much
actual documentation of these. I was just perusing the "Alternative
Talk-Origins Archive" ( and although
there is much insinuation of lies there is little substance in the claims.
I will grant that that the archive is biased toward
demonstrating that young earth creationism is incorrect and it comes as no
surprise to me that the keepers of the archive would admit this. Flaunting
this great "revelation" does little to prove that that actual bias means
that the information provided in the faqs are full of lies. I have spent a
considerable amount of time collecting references sited by various faqs and
checking those facts and have yet to come accross any blatent lies. What I
have seen are a few cases of "Clintonism" wherein not all the views are
necessarily brought forth and too much emphasis is placed on a particular
set of facts. Overall the attention to detail in the faqs seems quite good.
I think its downright shamefull that a bunch of predominately non-Christains
can be so thorough in documenting their case even if biased, than Christains
can in their writing.
I guess what I am saying is that is embarassing to have these claims of lies
and fraud and then see that most of that is name-calling. Where are the
articles which take the talk-origins faqs and go over them line by line
showing exactly where these LIES are. If you claim lies be willing to back
it up. If you claim bias and missinterpretation of facts and references
then say that rather than the specific claim of lies.
It very unfortunate that many of the T.O. faqs have been able to document
lies or at least willing neglegence of facts in the cases of many
creationists. If these are lies lets see some proof not just accusations.
Can't we do better as Christains than this.
As to the T.O newgroup itself I haven't read a post there in several years.
I find the stuff there to be quite repulsive and am not even tempted to wast
my time looking at it. I get sick reading the stuff on both sides. I am
more than willing to have it shown where the errors are in the T.O. faqs
because I will admit to using the information in them in my own discussions.
In most cases I try to inform myself of other interpretations and facts (I
read nearly everything on ASA, EVOLUTION, and many creationists
publications) but not all of us can be experts on everthing and must have
"faith" in the expert opionions of someone else as some time. It is sad
that I feel I have to use some of the material in these archives rather than
believe a fellow Christian!!!
Sorry, Allen to dumpt this all on you. It really fustrates me as you can
see. I know you don't have anything to do with this anti-t.o archive. I
just can't help but look at it and say "well if this is the best they can do
to debunk the t.o. faqs then it does nothing but increase my confidence that
they might be t.o. people might be onto something."
end quotes>
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