Thanks for Advice

David B. Fenske (
Thu, 22 Jan 1998 11:52:06 -0800

Chuck, George, Jan, Moorad,

Thanks for your views. I should state that in my case, this isn't a *big*
problem - it's the first time it's come up in this church, and since these
are questions I've wrestled with in the past, I'm aware of where people are
coming from. Let's face it - it's a given that the YEC view rules in
certain churches, but I was kind of curious as to how much validity would
be given to the other views - PC and TE. Not much, I suspect, but this
will come out more in the weeks ahead.

Chuck suggested teaching a class called "Creation AND Evolution." A good
idea, except you'd need approval of the board, which would be hard to get
in many cases, as they wouldn't agree with your emphasis. Further, you'd
find a hostile audience! But at least it wouldn't be boring...

George suggested leaving if it was a problem. I can see this might be an
option if one was attending a church where this was a *big* emphasis, and
if people objected to others holding other views. In my case, it's not a
problem, and aside from this one area, I think we get very good teaching
and preaching here (and that is something rare! :-) - the preaching, I
mean), and the kids all like it, etc. Clearly one would have to weigh this
option seriously.

Moorad made the point that there are legitimate scientific issues to be
discussed - and I think that's what I'll limit it to - if any big
scientific gafs come up, I'll point them out in a non-threatening manner.

Jan mentioned that "creation vs. evolution" is the wrong emphasis to start
with. Of course, trying to push the debate back to atheistic naturalism
vs. theism (where it really belongs) involves the possibility that God
could have used evolution. But a point well worth making.

What I was curious about was whether any of you in a YEC church have ever
had any problems or experiences expressing old-earth or TE views? I know
Glenn has mentioned this in the past, and others probably have too. Has
anyone ever managed to convince anyone? A few years back, in a different
(Baptist) church, I had a long-running discussion with a friend who *was*
interested in the issue, and I even loaned him several secular books
(Scientists Confront Creationists) which he read and we discussed. I don't
think he was convinced, but it was an honest open exchange. Rare, though.

Thanks again.

Dave F.