>Sometime ago Gish & C0. came to Wilmington, NC and presented their program.
>I went to some of the lectures and I did get the feeling that they were
>somewhat ridiculing scientists. Of course, they themselves have received
>scientific degrees??? But they did raise some questions that ought to be
>discussed as purely scientific issues--the fossil record, etc. I was
>interviewed by our local newspaper--I am known in town as the professor who
>has an opposing view which I indicated as a differing view to the reporter
>and not to characterize it as an opposing views. My point was mainly that
>the issue of origins gives rise to many theological/philosophical questions
>that must be openly discussed.
Being that I live close to Glen Rose, I too am constantly bombarded with
opportunities to express my opinion about various popular speakers with
amazing and wonderful ideas about how everything happened. I have learned
over the years to be very positive in what I say, and to look for good in
others, even when I couldn't buy a word of what they had to say. I firmly
believe that these populizers of creationism are unconsciously the worst
enemies creationists have. But somehow I want to kill them with love.