Re: Most Christians

David Campbell (
Tue, 20 Jan 1998 20:22:52 -0400

>At 08:54 PM 1/18/98 -0600, Glenn wrote:
>>If you can't explain this, then science doesn't support a young earth.
> This presupposes not only that there are no
>other possible explanations that you have not considered, but also that
>your explanation of the data is intransigent. Again, I think this attitude
>smacks of religion, not science.

Not necessarily-the ambiguity of a negative statement is important. If
there are no current adequate young-earth explanations for certain data,
then there is scientific evidence that does not support a young earth.
Thus, as an absolute claim, "Science supports a young earth" is untrue.
Most scientists believe that the vast majority of geologic evidence
supports and old earth; in this weaker sense one could say that "Science
supports an old earth".