Re: "Behe disproves evolution"

David Campbell (
Tue, 20 Jan 1998 19:19:49 -0400

>Dear David,
>I am not sure I understand your statement that "God can and does act
>miraculously; however, a lot of the time, He acts in accord with the
>physical laws He made." Einstein said that either you do not believe in
>miracles or else everything is a miracle. A Christian must ascribe
>himself/herself to the latter. It seems to me that God creates constantly
>instant by instant as viewed by those who are part of the creation whereas
>from His viewpoint He created once. Therefore, all the laws of nature are
>subordinated to Him and not the other way around.
Sorry-I should have defined miracles, as the word has multiple
uses. In the sense of God's involvement, I agree that everything is
miraculous in this sense. However, I was referring to "gaps"-things that,
as far as we know, are violations of natural laws [somewhat circularly
defined as "the usual ways in which God runs the world"].

David C.