I. The Cosmological argument:
A. There is a cause for everthing that exists.
B. It is impossible for infinite regression for every cause. There must be
a First Cause.
C. The First Cause is God.
II. The Teleological argument:
A. There is order in the universe.
B. Order must have come from intelligence.
C. The Intelligent Designer is God.
III. The Anthropological argument:
A. Humans are endowed with a sense of morality.
B. Morality cannot be a product of naturalistic processes.
C. Morality must have been given by a moral being other than humans
D. The moral being is God.
IV. The Ontological argument:
A. Humans have a longing for eternity/perfection.
B. Humans are real existence.
C. Eternity/Perfection must exist because of humans longing for something
which is real or else it cannot be eternal/perfect.
D. Eternity/Perfection is God.
These arguments are developed more fully in Texts on Systematic Theology
by most conservative theologians such as A.H. Strong,J.O.Buswwell, and
------------------------------------- Dr. Pattle Pun
Professor of Biology
Wheaton College, Wheaton, IL 60187
eMail: Pattle.P.Pun@wheaton.edu
Phone: (630)752-5303
FAX: (630)752-5996