Re: Question from out there

Pattle Pun (
Mon, 19 Jan 1998 11:52:31 -0600 (CST)

> >Could you tell me where I could find a logical proof on the subject of
> >one God vs. many "Gods", that there is or ever could be only ONE
> >God. I already know many proofs for the existence of God, but how do I
> >show that logically there could only be ONE God, not many? Please give
> >me website addresses, book titles, or e-mail me the info directly. I am
> >an aspiring Christian apologist. Thanks. My e-mail address is
> >
The basic arguments for the existence of God can also be used to argue for
the existence of ONE God since there will be no unity and chaos will
result if there are many gods who work for themselves such as the Greek

I. The Cosmological argument:

A. There is a cause for everthing that exists.
B. It is impossible for infinite regression for every cause. There must be
a First Cause.
C. The First Cause is God.

II. The Teleological argument:

A. There is order in the universe.
B. Order must have come from intelligence.
C. The Intelligent Designer is God.

III. The Anthropological argument:

A. Humans are endowed with a sense of morality.
B. Morality cannot be a product of naturalistic processes.
C. Morality must have been given by a moral being other than humans
D. The moral being is God.

IV. The Ontological argument:

A. Humans have a longing for eternity/perfection.
B. Humans are real existence.
C. Eternity/Perfection must exist because of humans longing for something
which is real or else it cannot be eternal/perfect.
D. Eternity/Perfection is God.

These arguments are developed more fully in Texts on Systematic Theology
by most conservative theologians such as A.H. Strong,J.O.Buswwell, and
------------------------------------- Dr. Pattle Pun
Professor of Biology
Wheaton College, Wheaton, IL 60187
Phone: (630)752-5303
FAX: (630)752-5996