I have been enjoying the Science Odyssey programs on PBS. Last night it
was on "Origins". The first hour was on geology/astro-evolution. On
the second hour, life was the paramount subject. The fossil record was
not discussed at length (no stasis or explosions were mentioned) and the
content was primarily on human evolution and related items (dinosaursâ
extinction gave way to mammal and eventually human evolution). The hour
ended with DNA and some scientist (Lerner ?) from some Institute
(White???? - sorry) telling the audience that we should be humble
because we got here by shear dumb luck. Evolution by non-guided,
purposeless, impersonal, unpredictable means was presented as a fact and
the Bible was quoted, as a sort of ancient science book, only to be
downgraded to some type of archaic mythology.
Why am I telling you this?
Well, the members of this forum react rather strongly to attacks on
evolution. I know that you believe in a God who works through natural
means, according to your reasonable theology, and that He has worked
evolution from the start at will. But most scientists who believe in
evolution just as much as yourselves are telling the whole world that we
are just lucky - we need not be here. Predestination before the
foundations of the world is not more than a fairy tale.
The ID movement is attacking this familiar "jump" from science into
theology (but presented as science) by attacking Darwinism and its shaky
fossil record.
The YEC movement is reacting by regressing into literalism.
I'm sure TEs are also doing something but it is, just as what IDers and
YECist are doing, completely ignored by most others.
So we are left with ourselves - believers - to defend our versions of
the truth.
Shall we unite or keep throwing rocks at each other?
PS: The Piltdown(?) man, which turned out to be a crafted fake, was
portrayed as the emblem of British superiority through evolution.
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