Below is a list of eight URLs for science and religion courses on the web.
I didn't get much of a response to my request for courses online, but I
know there are more of you out there. So please send me your links and I
will repost an updated list in a month or so.
On the human cloning issue, I have two further links to share. Ron
Cole-Turner sends the United Church of Christ opinion page, where there is
an online discussion of cloning: <>. Larry Rupp
also sends us some information on how to "copyright your DNA" via NYC
artist and entrepreneur, Larry Miller,
<>. Just so there will never be another
copy of you without your permission and royalties paid!
Thanks for the information. Keep sending those URLs, comments, events, and
-- Billy Grassie
Science and Religion Course on the Web (1/14/98)
Religion and Psychology Course by Michael Nielson, Psychology, at Georgia
Southern University
Science and Religion Course by Allen Gathman, Biology, at Southeast
Missouri State University.
Science and Religion Distance Learning Course by Larry Chapp, Religion, at
Allentown College of St. Francis de Sales. <> No
url available.
Religion and Science Course by Michael Barnes, Religion, at University of
Philosophy of Religion and Science I and II, by Julia Watkin and Phil Dowe,
Philosophy, University of Tasmania, Australia
Seminars on Human Values, God, Religion and Science, by Frank Birtel, Math,
at Tulane University.
Science and the Sacred, by William Grassie, Religion, University of
Creation and Cosmos, by Norbert Samuelson and William Grassie, Religion,
Temple University.
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Copyright 1997 William Grassie <>.
Keith B. Miller
Department of Geology
Kansas State University
Manhattan, KS 66506