Re: Behe & Johnson's quotes by Burgy
Jan de Koning (
Wed, 14 Jan 1998 09:04:46 -0500At 04:43 PM 13/01/98 PST, you wrote:
>I agree with Mr. Burgy, the quotes given do reflect what I have read in
>the past. I also read Darwin's Black Box which, to me, is more than
>sufficient to make me greatly doubt the darwinisitic recipe,
>independently of what Dr. Behe may believe religiously or
>philosophically. I don't know of the book Mr. Jan read to comment on,
>but I think it would be fair to say that the ID movement should not be
>categorized by the work or words of a single individual. I'm sure there
>is disagreement among themselves. Dr. Behe, for example, criticizes Dr.
>Paley, one of the greatest design theorists ever. I would dare to say,
>having read many posts from Mr. Jan, that the problem he has with ID has
>to more with the fact that he is an evolutionist (nothing morally wrong
>with that, I supposed) than with the ID movement per se. And BTW, I
>will not furnish you (Mr. Jan, I hope this is your last name) a copy of
>Origins & Design, I believe is a good journal, buy it or wait for the
>ARN web page to publish the articles in the latest issue in six month or
>Well, till another day, there is much in the internet I would like to
>Get Your Private, Free Email at
Jan is my first name, de Koning the last. I am not an evolutionist in the
sense that I stake my future and salvation on it, but I do find ID not
logically convincing, and theologically lacking. I am not a biologist, and
find evolutionism a pagan religion. Therefor I do not want to be called an
evolutionist. I am believing that God created, but I do also believe, that
many people attacking evolution are not attacking fairly. The choice is
NOT creation or evolution. God could have created using evolution. But
nothing happens outside His will, and He is always in charge. I thought I
said that often, if not, sorry. As far as buying magazines is concerned, I
am overloaded with magazines allready. Besides I do not feel compelled to
read the magazine, as long as my arguments are not answered. The arguments
may be found more completely than possibly here in the agenda of the 1991
Christian Reformed Synod.
As far as Behe is concerned, I listened to him, and have his book. He did
not convince me of anything, nor did he make me doubt anymore than I do.
Jan de Koning
Willowdale, Ont.