Yes. Specifically, apologetics should attempt from the start to
argue for the triune God who is revealed in Jesus Christ as the
culmination of His revelation to Israel. That does _not_mean that we
can't talk about God's activity in nature, but we shouldn't start from
there. Too much apologetic activity is concerned only with a generic
"God" concept or with "proving the Bible true" without concern about the
central _message_ of the Bible, which is christological.
I don't think that results in
> other sciences will have any influence on apologetics or theology.
I disagree here. If an apologetic is to be effective, it must
take into account the concerns people have, & for many people today
those concerns are related to science. & a theology of creation must
speak about the creation of the universe which actually exists, which is
(_qua_ natural world) the universe which science discloses to us.
George L. Murphy