> You are quite correct in noting that ICR's e-mail address is not posted on
> our page and I do apologize for that. The reason for this is two-fold.
> First, as a ministry organization we operate with limited resources (funds
> and personnel) and removing our e-mail address from the web site became a
> stewardship matter (as you will see in the second reason).
> Second, when the address was posted in the past, it felt as if we were
> revisiting Noah's great flood. The "e-correspondence" and "e-questions"
> were so overwhelming -- in number, content and length -- that we needed to
> close the flood-gate until a strategy could be addressed. This tremendous
> "blessing" has proven to be an equal burden and problem, but one that we
> welcome!
> ICR is well aware of the importance that the "net" will play in e-commerce,
> as well as in ministry, and we are striving to make advances in this field
> of service. We also understand the frustration and "cyber-isolation" this
> causes folks trying to reach ICR via e-mail. And for that we are truly
> sorry, especially when considering ICR's evangelistic endeavors.
Allen Roy