RE: Relating science to the Bible

Vandergraaf, Chuck (
Wed, 7 Jan 1998 18:25:51 -0500


It would help if you let us know a bit about the high school. Public
high school? Christian?

Chuck Vandergraaf
Pinawa, MB

>From: Jim Taggart[]
>Sent: January 7, 1998 3:09 PM
>To: 'asa'
>Subject: Relating science to the Bible
>I am going to be teaching a session of a class (high school juniors and
>seniors) which will cover "Science and Genesis." It's actually a very
>restricted subject because I am not allocated much time. Basically we
>will attempt to relate the first three chapters of Genesis to "common"
>scientific knowledge (the big bang, the age of the earth, and
>The intent is not to teach some particular view (after lurking on this
>list for almost a year, I can see how futile that would be anyway), but
>rather to equip the kids for the inevitable jolt when (as the minister
>told me) some teacher says: "How can the Christians be so stupid as to
>believe the story of Jonah?" We want to give them the beginning of some
>tools to deal with the issues discussed on this list server every day.
>If anyone has done something like this I'd appreciate any views you wish
>to express. I am especially interested in where the pitfalls may lie.
>You probably should answer me directly, rather than the list.
>Thanks in advance.