RE: > PC vs. TE (Will it ever end?)

Vandergraaf, Chuck (
Wed, 7 Jan 1998 11:54:29 -0500

I had thoughts along the same vein as Karen and Eduardo. Genesis 1 tells
us that "God saw that it [whatever He created] was good." Adam (or Eve)
would therefore not have suffered from any genetic disorder before the
fall and one can postulate that subsequent genetic disorders were the
result of Original Sin. In other words, something (Satan) interfered
with the transmission of the genetic information (sorry, I'm not a
geneticist; I hope this makes sense) and God let him (is Satan male?)
get away with it (for a while, anyway). This is something that one can

Is it possible that God allowed Satan to muck around with physical
processes as well? Could Satan have distorted the geological record to
put it at odds with Special Revelation? I realize that this would knock
the props from under all geological sciences and that it would be an
"easy way out" of the apparent contradictions between the Special and
General revelations. How powerful is Satan anyway?


Chuck Vandergraaf
Pinawa, MB

>From: Eduardo G. Moros[]
>Sent: January 7, 1998 9:32 AM
>To: List ASA
>Subject: > PC vs. TE (Will it ever end?)
><<File: 0074.html>>
>> PC vs. TE (Will it ever end?)
>> Dick Fischer (
>> ID doesn't work for me. If we are the product of ID, why do we
>> suffer from over 3,000 genetic disorders?
>Augustine's Original Sin which brought a curse on creation !!