Re: Green River varves
Glenn Morton (
Tue, 06 Jan 1998 23:02:15 -0600At 10:40 PM 1/6/98 -0600, wrote:
>Sun, 04 Jan 1998 17:30:56 -0800 Arthur V. Chadwick wrote:
>> A colleague of mine who is a sedimentologist has spent his entire career
>> studying the Green River Formation just laughs when he hears them referred
>> to as varves, especially at the cyclical arguments.
>Isn't this the same formation that contains millions of fossil fish? If
>so, and if the varves are annual deposits (meaning very slow
>deposition), how do the OECs explain the fossilization of fish, which
>float (due to gases produced by bacteria and trapped inside of their
>bodies when they die)?
Alkaline waters, I am told, can preserve things quite effectively. The fact
that there are huge flamingo nests there combined with the fact that in
Africa Flamingos live in the alkaline lakes of the rift valley, makes a
convincing explanation.
Adam, Apes, and Anthropology: Finding the Soul of Fossil Man
Foundation, Fall and Flood