Re: >Re: Wells and Nelson's article

George Murphy (
Tue, 06 Jan 1998 21:15:15 -0500

Eduardo G. Moros wrote:
> Hello Murphy and ASAers,
> I would like to read your Zygon article once is published, please let me know
> how to get it. I guess the other title of yours is a book, I would appreciate
> more info on it.

I can send an email preprint of the article if you like and/or a
paper reprint this summer. _The Trademark of God_ is out of print. I
can send a copy for $5 (which includes postage) if I have your snailmail

> I understand precisely our idolatrous tendencies, our constant, nagging, and
> draining sinful nature. I agree with your view of Romans 1. But, I also
> think that the "suppressing" of the truth is exactly what the naturalists are
> doing. By their nature they suppress the truth and they know it. I believe
> this suppressing is a conscious act. They will keep this line of action (as
> we would) forever unless the Holy Spirit changes their nature anew.

For some it may be conscious, in which case they are close to
"the sin against the Holy Spirit" (at least in the classical
interpretation). But I don't believe that most scientists who are
atheists think "Yes, this evidence shows that there is a creator God,
but I'm going to deny that." This isn't just a matter of my trying to
be generous - though I do! The Lutheran tradition emphasizes strongly
the sinful character of our underlying motives & wills, even when we
think we are being very honest, & even - perhaps especially - when we
think we're being very pious.

> What the IDers are doing may be view as a Natural Theology, I don't believe it
> is. IMO, I think they are pressing the issue that the Universe and Life are
> too complex, too beautiful, too grand to have come into existence by purely
> naturalistic means --> No God Nowhere.

What do you mean by natural theology? I should have thought
that the argument you sketch is precisly one of natural theology.

George L. Murphy