"The Galileo Incident," _Perspectives on Science and Christian Faith_,
46(3), 179-182. (This is the September, 1994 issue of PSCF.)
I appreciated Charlie Hummel's book. I do, however, look at a slightly
different aspect of the question from the aspects usually considered.
Russell Maatman
e-mail: rmaat@mtcnet.net
Home: 401 5th Avenue
Sioux Center, IA 51250
> From: Chuck Noren <noren@inetnow.net>
> To: Arthur V. Chadwick <chadwicka@swac.edu>
> Cc: asa@calvin.edu
> Subject: Galileo vs. The Church
> Date: Monday, January 05, 1998 4:45 PM
> > Galileo is a warning.
> I'm jumping in on the middle on a conversation and pulling
> it out of context.
> I am wondering if there are some historians out there who can
> comment on this. From what I heard, Galileo, when he first published
> his theories about the Solar System, the Church largly ignored him.
> It was some secular philosophers/scientists who were upset about
> the theory and activily enlisted the aide of Rome to come down on
> Galileo. I have not read historical sources on this so I don't know
> if this is urban legend. Has someone studied the historical details
> of the history of the conflict and could comment on this?
> -Chuck
> ----
> Chuck Noren
> Marietta, GA
> noren@inetnow.net (home) / noren@es.atl.sita.int (work)