Re: Single Ice Age?

Glenn Morton (
Thu, 01 Jan 1998 21:05:21 -0600

At 06:02 PM 1/1/98 -0800, Allen Roy wrote:
>Glenn Morton wrote:
>> >Since some of us don't have the technical monograph, why don't you outline
>> some >of the data?
>Here is the first few paragrahs of Chapter Seven of "An Ice Age caused
>by the Genesis Flood" by Michael Oard. Page 135-136.

Allen, why can't your summarize it without posting the whole thing? Is that
too much to ask? We aren't asking you to plagiarize the book, just give us
the outline of Oard's solution. What you posted really didn't tell how he
was going to go about solving the problem or explaining why a warm climate
forest was found in between two different glacial deposits?


Adam, Apes, and Anthropology: Finding the Soul of Fossil Man


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