Christian schools

McCarrick, Allan (
Wed, 10 Dec 1997 10:26 EST

I have followed the discussion on just what is taught in public and
Christian schools regarding origins, et al. Several points have come to
my mind:

1. Even though it does not apply in every case, there is often a clear
goal of indoctrination somewhere up the line. As only one example: every
freshman at Millersvile University (part of the extended PA state college
system) takes a required course that amount to origins (not just the
science majors). The text leaves little uncertainty not only about the
age of the universe and earth, but about the origin of life and full
blown evolution. That it is required of all students at the beginning of
their college carriers troubles me more than the actual content.

2. My own experience with high school teachers (public) and college
(non-Christian) was that they were not demanding of my "belief" in
evolution, but did say what Steve said: "please learn the ideas and the
evidence behind it". Usually careful and thoughtful criticism was not
rejected out-of-hand.

3. The rest of the world still sees only black and white: atheistic
evolution or YEC. Never heard of anything in between.

4. In the Christian school where I teach, we are quietly flexible. I
expect that 95% of the students and faculty are YEC. In fact my
daughter's fifth grade teacher (who did much to instill in her a love for
personal Bible study and devotion) teaches that humans should be
classified biologically in their own Kingdom. I believe that I
understand why she says this and think it is probably OK for that grade.
(Our biology and physiology courses don't). Someone on this list had
said that unspoken YEC is probably the way in the early grades. I think
I agree.

5. We have had different bio teachers, one a confirmed YEC with whom I
banged heads without our fellowship being broken. When students elect my
astro or paleo courses, I let them know that we will be considering
options they have probably have not heard. Most of the students are
eager to hear and study them, even if they strongly disagree. They start
out with the feeling that evolution in the universe or in biology is
"stupid", but listen and think. That is all I ask. There has never been
a peep of complaint from any source.

Al McCarrick