Re: textbooks

George Murphy (
Sun, 07 Dec 1997 12:52:13 -0500

Steven Schimmrich wrote:

> I think it would be wonderful to teach seminary students some basic
> biology and geology in an origins-type course since they WILL be facing
> questions about such issues (I'm looking for a teaching job next fall after
> my present contract runs out :). They don't have to believe what modern
> science advocates, but they should at least have a basic understanding of
> the issues. Why not give them a single course in science?

Seminaries will probably not have - or at least require - a
straight science course. Just as with other grad & undergrad programs,
there are always demands for "one more required course" for which a very
good case can be made, & there's only so much time. Many seminaries
don't even require Hebrew & Greek, which are fundamental.
However, seminaries can expect that entering students have had a
good undergrad program which includes courses in natural science. Many
seminaries now have science-theology courses, especially since these
have gotten a lot of financial support from the Templeton Foundation.
Outlines of many of the courses they've supported are available from the
I'm currently teaching "The Science-Theology Dialogue" at
Trinity Lutheran Seminary in Columbus for the Interim. Our ~3.5 hours
of class Tuesday will focus on "The development and current state of the
natural sciences", and will try to give students at least a quick
overview of current ideas in physics & chemistry, earth sciences,
biology & astronomy. I think before we start talking about how to deal
theologically with evolution, big bang, students have to know what those
things mean & how those theories developed.
George Murphy