A matter of discussion

American Scientific Affiliation (asa@newl.com)
Wed, 26 Nov 1997 16:47:49 -0500 (EST)

Dear ASA listservers,

Perhaps you can help Kathy out. This goes along with one of your recent
discussions about the book labels. I hope that the participants can
constructively help me out from time to time with far better answers than I
can give.

Don Munro

>From: Kathy Ushijima <ksushiji@students.wisc.edu>

> Hello,
> I am a student at the University of Wisconsin and I am currently
>working on a speech about creationism in schools. I was hoping that you
>might be able to point me to some information on what type(s) of plan(s)
>creationists have to integrate creation into the public education system (if
>any exist). Thanks
> In Him,
> Kathy

Donald W. Munro, Ph.D.
Executive Director, ASA
P. O. Box 668
Ipswich, MA 01938
(978) 356-5656