It does mean too, that our seraching in science is directed by our faith.
That faith ought to be grounded in the bible. However, I hasten to add,
that because of God's continuing work in creation, evolution is guided by
God. Still every day now.
Many people have tried to explain to me the difference between macro- and
micro- evolution. I cannot see a basic difference. Besides, who decides,
that a certain animal is a dog and not a wolf? Breeding-possibilities?
Can they not gradually change?
Most important for me is, though, that nothing is excluded from God's rule.
Not even the so-called "natural processes." And then we are back again
to: How do we read the bible? As a textbook, or as a rule of faith? Do we
distinguish between the different types of writing in the Bible? Etc., but
some months ago I posted on these things, and some of you do not agree with
me, I know.
Jan de Koning
Willowdale, Ont.