Re: Design Flaw in the Brain correction

Glenn Morton (
Wed, 29 Oct 1997 06:59:47 -0600

It has been pointed out to me that I used 4 numbers for a 3 vector. I also
noticed a math error on my own. Here is a correction of the calculation

If you want to specify the connections of the human brain you need, a 10
billion numbers one for each cell, and then 4 numbers for each dendrite. One
number specifies the length of the dendrite and three numbers specify the
direction it is supposed to grow. We will assume that each neuron has 2000
synapses and each number requires only 11 bits of information. (this
actually is favorable to the design crowd. This eleven bits is only enough
to represent numbers between 0 an 2048) The quantity of numbers required to
specify the wiring diagram for the brain is

10 x 10^9 x 2000 x 3 = 6 x 10^13 numbers.

I am going to rework the DNA code to encode the requisite information. We
need to have numbers between 1 and 2000 so the triplet code won't work
because it will only represent numbers between 1 and 64. A six nucleotide
code is required. As in the triplet code there will be some positions not
needed. Now to represent the wiring diagram for the brain requires a string
of DNA which is

6 x 6 x 10^13= 3.6 x 10^14 nucleotides long Just for the dendrites.

The total human genome is only 3.5 x 10^9 nucleotides long. Obviously,
there is not enough information in the entire genome to encode for our human
brain. Thus, since I believe that God did design us, the design must lie
somewhere below this level.

The fourth number comes from this: there are 10^10 numbers needed to
specify the individual neuron from which the dendrite grows. To represent a
number as large as 10 billion in base four (which is what DNA is)requires a
17 digit number. thus to ennumerate each neuron with a unique number
requires an additional 170 billion dna locations. I hope this is correct As
with last night, I did it in a hurry. Corrections will be appreciated.


Foundation, Fall and Flood