Re: Evolution and Christianity -Reply

Jason A. Alley (
Sat, 25 Oct 1997 23:26:20 -0700,Internet writes:
>The parable of the talents
>Jesus told makes it very clear, that God gave different talents to
>different people. God does definitely ask of scientists a higher
>levels of
>understanding in so far as they are connected with their particular
>than of a grade three student.

Not to be picky, but the word "talent" in that passage is not an
ability, it is a denomination of money, usually equal to one year's pay
for the people of the time. The word is often misunderstood. It's an
easy mistake to make. The idea stands, though, that different people
are given difference resources upon which to draw in their service of
the master, but these resources need not be talents, per se.

My two cents.

In Christ,
J. Arthur Alley