Re: pollen test of Flood geology

Steven Schimmrich (
Tue, 9 Sep 1997 10:00:44 -0500 (CDT)

I replied to this earlier but I think it just went to Allen Roy and
not the newsgroup as a whole...

The indomitable Allen Roy wrote:

> There is an interesting article on fossil pollen reportedly found in the
> Hakatai shale in Grand Canyon. it can be found at:
> This was written in reply to criticism by S.S. Tell me what you think.

I'm the S.S. referred to here and I wrote a rebuttal to what is
essentially (and I can't call it anything else) a pack of lies at
that web site. I'm very skeptical of the academic credibility of
people who so freely misquote others.

For anyone interested, the rebuttal is located at:

- Steve.

--      Steven H. Schimmrich               KB9LCG      Department of Physical Sciences               Kutztown University      217 Grim Science Building, Kutztown, PA 19530      (610) 683-4437     Fides quaerens intellectum