And if Christians in the engineering and scientific professions won't call
for their colleagues to be ethical, competent, and accountable, then,
frankly "shame on us."
The HFBR fiasco provides ASA, CES, EEN and other organizations whose
membership consists of Christians trained in a technical profession an
opportunity to impact public policy. I have a platform in the LI
community, in my professional community, in my faith community, and
"everyone knows my name" in the Department of Energy.
ASA has members who work at Brookhaven National Lab or who are physicts, or
who live on LI (or all three). ASA also has members who work for DOE at
other sites or who work with nuclear technology. I'm willing to caucus
with whomever wants to get involved and will set up a conference call for
that purpose. Please say a prayer as to how "we can give an answer for the
hope that is within us" in this situation.
Joe Carson, P.E.