Re: physics of a mesopotamian flood

Glenn Morton (
Fri, 30 May 1997 23:35:17 -0500

Hi Bob,

At 03:50 AM 5/31/97 GMT, Robert L. Miller wrote:

>It seems to me that the problem is not whether God tells the truth but
>whether you accept the truth that He tells. You appear to have set yourself
>up as God's judge.
Bob Miller
No, simply believing what the Bible tells me about God. Titus 1:2 "...God
who does not lie..."

Hebrews 6:18 "...It is impossible for God to lie...."

If God does not lie, then when He inspires men to write the Scripture, does
he inspire them falsehoods? I am not God's judge; the Bible said God does
not lie. I am merely believing it. Maybe it is a mistake to believe the
Or does God get a free pass when he inspires men and the men can write in
the Bible whatever they choose?

The Bible is a tautalogy. It claims to be God's word based upon its claims
that it is God inspired and its claim that God doesn't lie. What other
basis is there for believing the Bible is the word of God? Logically you
can't say the resurrection because you learn of the resurrection from the
Bible which claims to be inspired by God and claims that God doesn't lie.

Thus, if God doesn't lie, and He inspires men to write things that appear
historical but aren't, what does that say about the Bible?


Foundation, Fall and Flood