ASA News

Keith B Miller (
Tue, 13 May 1997 09:00:58 -0500 (CDT)

Forward from Ken VanDellen:

>The May/Jun 1997 Newsletter included a couple of items that
>juxtapose nicely. One was Keith Miller's comment that entire books
>criticizing evolution are deemed not being too technical for the lay
>public, but rebuttals are. The other was the observation by Leonard Bond
>that there is "a great volume of material in Christian book stores...
>promoting... Creation Science."
>I recently visited a Christian book store in my community to buy a copy of
>Dave Young's book, The Biblical Flood. They hadn't heard of it, but could
>order it. I didn't see anything else that presented any view of science
>that wasn't Creation Science. Apparently they either have no demand
>for anything else or don't want to make anything else available. (Is
>that a kind of censorship?)
>One book that caught my eye was on the subject of dinosaurs. It talked
>about how such topics as who certain scientists are, about things
>dinosaurical (warm-blooded vs. cold-blooded, for example), and the
>dangers of letting children become interested in dinosaurs, and did so
>in a way that would make the reader think the author was an authority
>in science. I didn't say anything, having had a previous discussion
>about the Paluxy River dinosaur and "human" tracks. The person behind
>the counter had been there, and had seen them for herself. I fear it
>would be a waste of time to suggest that they might balance their
>offerings by including books by other Christian authors with a
>different perspective. Maybe I'll drop off some of the articles about
>the tracks from Journal of Geological Education for their edification.

Keith B. Miller
Department of Geology
Kansas State University
Manhattan, KS 66506