This too may be anecdotal but as a geoscientist, when I tell people in the
churches that I have attended (all of the conservative variety) that geology
does not support a young earth, or that geology does not support a global
flood, or that paleontology reveals that no living species of mammal was
alive on this earth in rocks earlier than the oligocene, about 25% tell me
that I have been brainwashed by my education/duped by professors/forced to
believe this because of my employment or something like that. I think 25%
believe it but don't say so. I gather this from the look of horror on their
faces. These anecdotal numbers are in agreement with what I hear Gallup has
found ( January 1993 issue of First Things, Phillip Johnsons article, p. 9:)
Discussions with many of these people in this type of arena, leads me to
believe that fear of evolution is quite widespread.
Foundation, Fall and Flood