I don't think process theology is necessary, and a less than omnipotent god concept
isn't coherent. In saying the above, your task is to show why it's logically impossible
that god could control events. I'm not sure I've seen a process theology formulation
that's done so satisfactorily, although I'd be interested in hearing something new and
am open to changing my mind if warranted.
We've had a go around on this on the SCP listserve (society of Christian Philosophers)
recently. If any of you are interested, I'm sure you'd find plenty in the scp archives.
One of the works discussed was Alvin Plantinga's _God, Freedom, and Evil_. He gives a
rather interesting account that I'm sure many of you would find interesting.
Why, for instance, does the christian feel it necessary to show *why* god allows, or has
to allow, evil? Why not simply show that the existence of evil and the existence of an
omnipotent good god are not necessarly *logically* contradictory? Offering a theodicy
(*why* he allows evil) is an unnecessary exercise.