Re: Johnson's concluding remarks (fwd)

Murphy (
Sun, 26 Jan 1997 16:05:29 -0500

Dick Fischer wrote:

> I wonder how many, like me, regard "Johnsonism" as ever bit as much a
> threat to the overall effectiveness of our Christian witness as Darwinism.
> His brand of deception is slick, subtle and sophisticated, but still leads
> gullible adherents down the same primrose path with the YECs. Armed with
> more creationist propaganda they can assail the walls of science and
> academia with added, though misguided, vigor. That's all we need is more
> creationist zealots, ill-equipped and ill-advised.

I'd put it more gently but agree in principle. What Johnson has
done is to give many Christians an excuse for not doing any serious
theological thinking about creation-evolution relationships.
George Murphy