Re: EvolveFISH (fwd)
D. Eric Greenhow, M.D.,Ph.D. (
Thu, 24 Oct 1996 16:42:16 -0400At 08:05 AM 10/24/96 -0600, you wrote:
>> I got the following posted to me from a fellow Christians in Science member.
>> Interesting. Anyone else come across them? Worth doing anything about this -
>> or just nutcases to ignore?
>> Bob Carling
>> >From: Geoff Bagley <>
>> >
>> >The other day I noticed a car with the usual 'fish' insignia.
>> >However, this fish had grown legs and had 'DARWIN' within in its
>> >body. A few days later searching the net for anything on Darwin, I
>> >came accross a site called 'EvolveFISH' which offered these emblems
>> >for sale. The fish (and mugs) could have DARWIN, EVOLVE or ALIEN
>> >enscribed.
>> >
>> >The instigators of the site described themselves as "an enterprise in
>> >Colorado and dedicated to countering the destructive aspects of
>> >religious zealotry"
>Unfortunately, I think Christians have earned this little bit of
>humor. We may as well just laugh with and congratulate them at their
>cleverness, and ask ourselves what we really communicate to the
>outside world. Apparently to many, the fish symbol communicates not
>that Jesus has redeemed us and made our lives new so that we have
>become fishers of men, but rather a particular stand with regard to
>evolution (and likely politics as well).
>The biology professor here who I have seen wearing one of the pins
>seems to be a pretty reasonable person. Hardly a nutcase.
>Joel W. Cannon
>Dept. of Physics
>Centenary College of Louisiana
>P. O. Box 41188
>Shreveport, LA 71134-1188
>(318)869-5026 FAX
I saw one of these about a month ago with "DARWIN" inside the fish, and
thought it was both clever and funny. Let's try to keep a sense of humor
about ourselves. In the development of prejudice, humor is the first to go.
Eric Greenhow