1. I have not seen any "supporters of YEC" here, Steve. WHo would you identify
as such?
2. Many of us DO spend time trying to counteract some of the ICR materials; I
spend time on Compuserve forums doing exactly that (and other, more productive
things, such as promoting ASA). I have a few Christian friends who have bought
in to the ICR line -- as time permits, I spend time in discussions with them.
3. Here, I mostly "jump" on Glenn, for he is the one who has the most
interesting arguments. I hope, by sometimes being critical, I can help him
refine those arguments. I could agree with him (I do to a large extent) but that
is not very interesting as far as reflector posting is concerned!
I share your closing statement wholeheartedly. I have correspondence going back
20 years or more fighting this battle. I expect to continue it for the time the
Lord allows me.