> From: Murphy <gmurphy@imperium.net>
> Date: Fri, 16 Aug 1996 19:15:57 -0400
> Subject: female pastors
> Mike Jaqua writes, "The scriptural proscription of female
> pastors/elders could not be clearer yet the issue has been raised."
> This is wrong. Of course I Cor.14:34 & I Tim.2:12 are in the Bible -
> but so are, INTER ALIA, the stories of Huldah (II Kg.22:14-20/II
> Chron.34:22-29)and Mary Magdalene being the first witness of the
> resurrection (Jn.20:11-18). These (& passages could be multiplied -
> Deborah, Priscilla, &c) suggest that the "proscription" is less than
> absolute, and that it may be limited to particular situations of church
> and/or society. Fortunately many churches have now not just "raised"
> this issue but are ordaining women.
> George Murphy
Amen, George. Let's remind everyone about another statement of Paul's:
"There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is
neither male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus." Gal. 3:28
This statement has the sweeping generality of a principle, unlike the passages
in I Cor. that were specific answers to problems in that church. To restate it
in modern terminology, no one, with regard to birth, race, nationality,
employment status, or gender, is inferior or excluded from the universal Church
and the gifts of grace. Biblical history also shows this, as George points out.
But confusion has arisen in our generation because of the unfortunate
coincidence of the womens' rights movement with the gay rights movement and the
abortion rights movement. These movements and their arguments should be kept
Paul Arveson, Research Physicist
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