Having said that, I have a problem I would like the evolutionary
specialists to discuss. It has been bothering me for some time. The
problem is this: without a doubt, human beings are of different
races. Since our physical characteristics are dependent (as I
understand it) on our genetic structure, it appears that there are
differing genetic species of human beings. In my simple
understanding, that leads to two possibilities (from an atheistic
evolutionary perspective): either multiple species evolved
independent of each other or one species adapted (evolved) to
differing conditions.
The former option gives me problems of interracial relationships,
thereby justifying those organizations/sects who prohibit
interracial relationships on the basis of cross-species separation
(Leviticus 19:19). The latter option makes me uncomfortable because,
since the supposed first appearance of humanity occurred in Africa or
Asia (I don't which came first), people like the Ku Klux Klan could
claim that "white folks" were evolutionary descendents of another
race, hence evolutionary superior. This would be akin to the
evolution and breeding of dogs. As I understand it, dogs that have
a random breeding tend to look alike - looking like the dingos of
Australia - while selective breeding gives the unique characteristics
of the differing species. From my understanding of evolutionary
processes, the differing environments between the northern continents
and the tropical regions provided the "selective breeding" impetus.
This is not a Christian perspective, that one race is superior to
another. Of course, the creationist approach would be that God chose to
create persons of differing characteristics, whether that occurred in
the genetic structure of Adam or at the Tower of Babel or Noah's
In summary, I have problems with the atheistic evolutionary approach
because, no matter how you try to explain it, the approach leads to a
racist position. What is the evolutionary explanation of my
William M. Frix
Assistant Professor, Electrical Engineering
Box 3021
John Brown University
Siloam Springs, AR 72761
Phone: (501) 524-7466
FAX: (501) 524-9548
EMAIL: wfrix@engr.jbu.edu