PMFJI, Dick. I doubt that you & Glenn have an opinion difference at all --
whatever is
"the truth" is what we have to look for. I seriously doubt that you (or anyone
would subscribe to arguments which, though false, would "win people for Christ."
But there may be a difference of opinion on your second sentence; certainly
there is between you & me! I do not think I am called to be a "soul winner." I
not really sure the "soul" exists, anyway, thoughthat is another subject! (I do
expect, as a Christian, to be around debating things with you all many many
after I shuffle off this mortal coil!
But, I will argue, the commission was "to be witnesses... ." Not "go and be
That's the work of the Holy Spirit, not us! And a good witness just tells what
he/she knows,
nothing beyond that, leaving nothing out that is relevant. Usually in response
to direct questions.