Re: Comet Curiosity

John Miller (
Wed, 27 Mar 1996 12:12:21 -0900 (AKST)

Responding to Paul Arveson:

> What if Moses had not turned aside to examine the wonder of the burning

Well, I would like to think that:

a) God knew Moses well enough when he appared in the burning bush; i.e.,
my comet-like fuzzy theology assumes that special interventions likely are
tuned to one's particular thought-structure, unless...

b) He presents a special test of circumstances about which we might ignore
or ponder and thereby mature in the process, and...

c) If Moses had ignored the burning bush, God had lots more ways of
getting his attention. I think I've been banged on the head with a 2x4 a
couple of times, too.

But what if Abraham had not been willing to offer Isaac...

And what if a thousand-and-one patriarchs had been unfaithful to their
calling, where would we be today sans Scripture? I'm thinking particularly
of the John Huses, Wycliffes, even Luthers and Calvins. Scarey thoughts,
