Re: Comet Curiosity

John Misasi (
Tue, 26 Mar 1996 23:04:08 -0500 (EST)


I am curious as to where it would be seen in the sky of Boston or the
Boston area. How big should it be compared to other stars in the sky? I
want to look for it... tonight I thought I might have seen it, but not
really knowing what I should look for, I wasn't sure.
Thanks for any help in advance.

In response to your commments on peoples reaction to the sight of a comet
that only comes around every 10000 years, it is probably a lot like people will
react when Christ returns... All will know of His return, but some won't
care, some will be passingly interested, and others will be glued to the
sky watching everything (and will probably be the people who become
Christians after His return {for those who are pre-tribulation
believers}). Just a thought from a non-sociologist.

John Misasi
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