Why I too am not a Muslim

Mon, 25 Mar 1996 14:46:42 -0500 (EST)

On March 23 Fred Phelps listed a few reasons why he is not a Muslim. Those
points were well put and a good starting point for a Christian apologist. Here
are a few reasons why I too am not a Muslim...

As Dr. Ravi Zacharias points out (for any of you who are interested in
apologetics, his book *Can Man Live Without God* is excellent), Christ was an
affirmed absolute in His day. Mohammed came along and claimed that, while
Christ had some good things to say, the true revelation from God came in the
Koran. Zacharias points out that if an affirmed absolute is overtaken, what is
to prevent that from happening again? Anyone could formulate a practical book
of ethics and posit it as being absolute.

Moreover, as Fred mentioned, Muslims are quick to point out that the Gospels
are a corrupted version. However, they (Muslims) do not have the authentic,
"uncorrupted" version. Is it reasonable to discredit something as corrupt
without coming up with the uncorrupted text?...

Anybody else have reasons why you are not a Muslim/Hindu/Buddhist...

Navid Mahooti, student, Gordon College