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Geometry existed before the creation; is co-eternal with the mind of
God; is God himself ... Where there is matter there is geometry. ...
geometry provided God with a model for the Creation and was implanted
into man, together with God's own likeness - and not merely conveyed to
his mind through the eyes. ... It is absolutely necessary that the work
of such a Creator be of the greatest beauty... Kepler -
Harmonice Mundi (1619)
Perhaps there will be prattlers who, although completely ignorant of
mathematics, nevertheless take it upon themselves to pass judgment on
mathematical questions, and on account of some passage in Scripture, badly
distorted to their purpose, will dare to censure and assail what I have
presented here. Copernicus -
Introduction to
On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Sphere
I have two sources of perpetual
comfort - first, that in my writings there cannot be found the
faintest shadow of irreverence towards the Holy Church; and second,
the testimony of my own conscience, which only I and God in heaven
thoroughly know. And He knows that in this cause in which I suffer,
though many might have spoken with more learning, none, not even the
ancient Fathers, have spoken with more piety or with greater zeal
for the Church than I. Galileo
Mathematical Sciences..discussions that treat
various aspects of mathematics, computer science, and related fields
from a Christian
"Recently, geneticist Francis Collins described the experience of watching
his teacher Nobel laureate Willis Lamb elucidate the principles
of relativity and quantum mechanics by "deriving simple and beautiful universal
equations from first principles. Were these mathematical descriptions along with DNA another language of God?" -
Language of God
2006 , pp. 62, 63.
Much earlier, Galileo in the early 17th Century
claimed that the universe
(or at least the planetary part) could not
be understood "unless one first studies its language whose characters
are triangles, circles, and other geometrical figures, without which it is
humanly impossible to understand a single word of it." -
God and Nature
1986, p.123.)
His comment offers confirmation to historians of the
Revolution who attribute the widespread application of mathematical
methods to the physical world as the signal contribution of the seventeenth century to
the earlier scientific tradition. While scientists have reason to appreciate the
"unreasonable effectiveness of mathematics" (Eugene Wigner) pure
mathematics is carried out without without any concern for useful
applications. Andrew Philip's short
suggests paths to relating mathematics and
Two recent books, Mathematics and the Divine: A Historical
Study (2005) and Foundations From God: Mathematics and Victorian Faith
(2007), are reviewed in the book section
Introduction to the field
Mathematics and Christianity has
only recently developed sufficient constituency to actively organize and publish
a journal. The Association
of Christians in the Mathematical Sciences (ACMS) formally organized in
1985. The computer science subgroup of the ACMS, which consists of
computer scientists and mathematicians who
teach computer science, also maintains a
Blaise Pascal--Wikipedia
Inaugural Issue; of the Journal of the ACMS provides an excellent
introduction this diverse field.
Journal continues to offer thoughtful articles.
Christian Schools
Nance, Jim. 1996. Worldview Test Case: Christianity in Math Class. In
Repairing the Ruins: The Classical and Christian Challenge to Modern Education,
ed. Douglas J. Wilson, 59-71. Moscow, ID: Canon Press.
Oxford Professor, mathematician John Lennox:
Creator or the Multiverse? Does the fine tuning of the
universe point to God or an infinite collection of universes?
8 Minutes
Christianity and the tooth fairy Does science deal
with reality and religion with everything else?
8 Minutes
Dr. Rosalind Picard (MIT)
Do Robots Have Feelings?
Forum at Rice
Youtube 7 Minutes
Judea Pearl, The A. M. Turing 2011 Award Lecture (Video)
The Mechanism of Causual Inference: A Mini "Turing Test" and Beyond
"The whole lecture I
found interesting, but of possible interest would be around 21:30, where he gets
into Abraham being the first scientist, and counterfactuals and our sense of
justice. He then moves into counterfactuals in physics. It was a
philosophical lecture on Artificial Intelligence"--thanks to Robert Tholen
General Articles
Mathematician and code-brea
Video 1 BBC
Video 2 BBC
June 2012
Alan Turing, born June 23 1912, is famous for his key role in breaking German
codes in World War 2. But for mathematicians, his greatest work was on the
invention of the computer.
Alan Turing's brilliance at maths was spectacular. Aged 22, just a year after
his graduation, he was elected a fellow of King's College Cambridge. And it was
just a year after that, that he turned his attention to problems in the
foundations of mathematics and ended up showing that a simple machine, set up to
read and write numbers and to run a few basic functions, could in principle do
all the things that are do-able in mathematics. His 'universal' machine was just
a concept - a paper tape that could be read, interpreted and acted on
robotically. But the concept was profound....
An Augustinian Perspective on the Philosophy of Mathematics,
Journal of the Association of Christians in the Mathematical Sciences,
November 2007.
From a Christian perspective, both modern and
post-modern approaches to the philosophy of mathematics have significant
shortcomings. This paper explores an alternative. It summarizes Augustine
of Hippo's views on the four classical themes of the philosophy of
mathematics—the ontology of mathematical objects, their epistemology, the nature of truth in mathematics, and how we account for the effectiveness of mathematics in describing the natural world. It then traces what has happened to Augustine’s perspective in the roughly 1600 years since it was written concluding with a discussion of some spiritual and intellectual problems with the currently dominant secular perspective.
Gary De Young, "Perspective on Mathematical Modeling." Pro
Rega June 2010: 1-10.
The mathematical modeling process is an iterative scheme by
which we try to refine our understanding of a physical-world
phenomenon by translating assumptions about the
phenomenon into mathematical language where mathematical results are
discovered, which are then translated back to a physical world meaning.
A Christian professor reflects on his life and work in
Anderson, Kerby "Computers and the Information
(web link)
Carlos Bovell,
Pairing and Plus-ing the Godhead: An Algebraic Analogy,”
PSCF 55 (September 2003):166-174.
This essay is an exercise in the integration of
mathematics and theology. Its purpose is to show the usefulness of mathematics
with regard to theological discourse. The author explores the problem of the
Trinity and illuminates certain factors that contribute to our failure in
comprehending it. An algebraic analogy is employed that (approximately)
represents the doctrine of the Trinity. The analogy serves to illustrate the
means by which humans innately group and combine individual objects. Such
combining and grouping, it is argued, obtains by means of a pairing mechanism.
This binary mechanism, though capable in most mathematical enterprises, is
inadequate when one considers the relations within the Trinity. Moreover, the
very operations that define our means of arithmetic conception fail to apprehend
the divine perichoresis
L. Brabenec,
Impact of Three Mathematical Discoveries on Human Knowledge,"
(March 1978): 2-6.
year 1826 is noteworthy, marking the discovery of non-Euclidean
geometry. This discovery changed the way in which man thought about
mathematics and led to a rapid growth of many new kinds of mathematical
structures as well as the adoption of the axiomatic method as the format
for these developments.
R. Judson Carlberg,
My View:
Ken Olsen, a lifetime of science and faith
May 14,
A summary of the life and work of a Christian pioneer in
computer science.
C. Schuurman, Shaping a Digital World: Faith, Culture and Computer
Technology IVP Academic 2013
Beginning with the question, “What does my faith have to do with my work as an
electrical engineer?” Schuurman addresses how Christian faith informs computer
technology in this thoughtful and timely work. Addressing practitioners,
students, and anyone interested in computer technology and its philosophical,
moral, ethical, and theological dimensions, Schuurman does his best to flesh out
how bytes relate to beliefs, and how Christians can best use technology with
love and care...Publisher's Weekly
ADerepocalyptic AI by Robert M. ted 8 Dec 2011 at 22:24 UT

Get ready for the four robots of the apocalypse as we review a book that
should be close to the hearts of robots.net readers - because you actually
helped research it: Robert
M. Geraci's "Apocalyptic
AI: Visions of Heaven in Robotics, Artificial Intelligence, and Virtual
Reality". Geraci, a professor of religion and researcher of all
things eschatological, notes that,
"excepting rapture theologians of fundamentalist Christianity, popular
science authors in robotics and artificial intelligence have become the
most influential spokespeople for apocalyptic theology in the Western
You heard that right, roboticists and AI researchers have risen to second
place when it comes to who we think of when the topic is apocalyptic
theology. And with fundamentalists blowing two
more apocalyptic predictions since
the book was published, who knows, we may be number 1 now. But how can
robots and AI be theology? Read on for a full review of Geraci's book.
Faw, Harold, "Does
Scripture Support Standardized Tests," PSCF
42 (June 1990): 86-93. A standardized test involves observations of an individual's behaviour
made under specified conditions for the purpose of meaningfully comparing it
with that of other people. Because of the very extensive use of these
instruments, a storm of criticism has arisen and a great deal of
misunderstanding surrounds them. While the critics have often been right,
standardized tests do yield information which can facilitate good decision
making. Provided we have a clear understanding of their limitations and we
use them with a view toward service, standardized tests may indeed help to
move us toward the goals of justice and equity.
Geertsema, Jan C., "
A Christian View of the Foundations of Statistics" PSCF
(September 1987):158-164. In order to develop a Christian approach to an exact
science such as Statistics, it is useful to view such a science within
the various broader contexts with which it is connected. Various contexts of
Statistics are discussed and the relevant philosophical currents are
indicated. These call for a Christian response, which is briefly touched
Hartley, A M., The Philosophy of the Law Idea and the Role of the
Prescientific in Statistical Inference. Journal of the Association of
Christians in the Mathematical Sciences, December 2004.
Joel C. Adams, Why Christians Should Study Computer Science
(and other technical disciplines)
H. Harold Hartzler, "The Meaning of Mathematics," JASA 1 (January
1949):13-19 An ASA Classic
Georg Cantor-- Wikepedia
J. J. O'Connor and E F Robertson,
and the Mathematical Sciences - the Heliocentric Hypothesis (web
Ladislav Kvasz, "The
Invisible Link Between Mathematics and Theology ," PSCF
(June 2004):111-116.
Georg Cantor
Bruce A. Hedman, " Cantor's
Concept of Infinity:
Implications of Infinity for Contingence,"
PSCF 46 (March 1993): 8-16.
Cantor (1845-1918) was a devout Lutheran whose explicit Christian beliefs shaped
his philosophy of science.
Gene, "A Statistical Test that Fails to Substantiate Decay in
the Velocity of Light" PSCF
45 (June
Michael Veatch, "Mathematics and Values: Can
Philosophy Guide Projects?," 1997. This paper attempts to find
points of contact between a Christian worldview and the choice of mathematical
projects and methods.
Vern Polythress,
A Biblical View of Mathematics (From
Foundations of Christian Scholarship: Essays in the Van Til Perspective,
Gary North Ed. 1976: 158-188.
Vern Polythress,
Mathematics as Rhyme, JASA 35
(Dec 1983): 196-203.
Using the analogy between the universe and a choral poem, one may view: mathematics as the "rhyme" of the universe. In that perspective new
light is thrown on the unique subject matter of mathematics, the a priori character of its
truth, and the
relation of mathematics to other areas of knowledge. A route is thereby opened for richer use of creativity in mathematics.
Wade, Rick "Pascal: An Apologist
for Our Times," (web
Williams, Bill R., Dickerson, Mark S., "A
Mathematical Analogue for a Model of the Trinity, " PSCF
(June 2004):102-110
PLATO'S GHOST: The Modernist
Transformation of Mathematics by Jeremy
Gray. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2008. 515 pages, glossary,
bibliography, index. Hardcover.
ASA Review
Hartley, Andrew M.,
Christian and Humanist Foundations for Statistical Inference
(Eugene, Oregon: Wipf and Stock), 2007.
Review by Steve Bishop UK
James Bradley, Mathematics in
a Postmodern Age: A Christian Perspective, edited by Russell W. Howell & W.
(Eerdmans, 2001)
James Nickel, Mathematics: Is God Silent?,
Ross House Books (2001)
This book revolutionizes the prevailing understanding and teaching of math.
The addition of this book is a must for all upper-level Christian school
curricula and for college students and adults interested in math or related
fields of science and religion. It will serve as a solid refutation for the
claim, often made in court, that mathematics is one subject, which cannot be
taught from a distinctively Biblical perspective.--Amazon
Daniel J. Cohen, Equations From God: Pure Mathematics and
Victorian Faith, The John Hopkins University Press, 2007 PSCS
Review by Calvin Jongsma
This excellent review provides a fine starting point for developing insights
into faith and mathematics!
T. Koetsier and L. Bergmans,
Mathematics and the
Divine A Historical Study Elsevier Science; (Dec 30 2004)
MAA Review by Calvin Jongsma
John Byl,
The Divine Challenge: on Matter, Mind, Math and Meaning,
by Banner of Truth Trust, 2004. Paperback, 336 pp., $16.99. ISBN
851518877. MAA
by Russell W. Howell)
W. Howell and W. James Bradley,
Mathematics in a Postmodern Age: A Christian Perspective,
ed. by . Eerdmans, 2001. Paperback, 407 pp., $28.00. ISBN 0-8028-4910-5.
by Bonnie Gold
Larry L. Zimmerman, Truth and the Transcendent:
The Origin, Nature, & Purpose of Mathematics, (Answers in Genesis, 2000)
Chase and C. Jongsma, Bibliography of Christianity and
Mathematics, 1st edition 1983, Messiah College
Teaching Resources