Prayer — to help build a Vital Spiritual Life

I.O.U. - Now (in late 2015) this page is extremely rough & incomplete, but it will be better later, in 2016.


using principles from the Bible,

checking with others in our community of fellow believers,

being aware of circumstances,

praying regularly and learning to listen for the "still small voice" of the Holy Spirit,

using logical reasoning,

and much more.


LINKS -- Mark Roberts offers an excellent LONG response describing the many ways God can lead us — soon I'll find other pages worth linking to, especially shorter summaries, by web-searching) ]]


HUMILITY -- justified due to uncertainty of knowing will of God (for specific situations), but we can obey biblical commandments & principles, we can have good intentions (wanting to follow obediently), with attitude of wanting, heart & mind, decisions & actions - feeling & thinking, behaving - feelings thoughts behaviors actions


levels/kinds of leading & following:

God leading, we follow

one human leads, others follow:

    ballroom dancing leader & follower,

    husband & wife (?) -- leader/husband must become worthy of GOOD leading, follower/wife must trust -- lots of LINKS

    pastor & congregation

    supervisor & supervised [boss], teacher & students,