Perspectives on Science and Christian Faith Index: September 2011, 63:3
Cook, Harry and Hank D. Bestman. “Biological Complexity,” 63:3, 159, S 2011.
Noll, Mark A. “Evangelicals, Creation, and Scripture: Legacies from a Long History,” 63:3, 147, S 2011.
Author Exchange
Meyer, Stephen C. “Of Molecules and (Straw) Men: A Response to Dennis Venema’s Review of Signature in the Cell,” 63:3, 171, S 2011.
Venema, Dennis R. “Intelligent Design, Abiogenesis, and Learning from History: A Reply to Meyer,” 63:3, 183, S 2011.
Book Reviews by Book Author
Ball, Jim. Global Warming and the Risen Lord: Christian Discipleship and Climate Change, 63:3, 206, S 2011. (David R. Clements)
Carlson, Richard F. and Tremper Longman III. Science, Creation and the Bible: Reconciling Rival Theories of Origins, 63:3, 211, S 2011. (Denis O. Lamoureux)
Cunningham, Conor. Darwin’s Pious Idea: Why the Ultra-Darwinists and Creationists Both Get it Wrong, 63:3, 212, S 2011. (Bethany Sollereder)
Davidson, G. R. When Faith and Science Collide: A Biblical Approach to Evaluating Evolution and the Age of the Earth , 63:3, 211, S 2011. (David Campbell)
Evans, Abigail Rian. Is God Still at the Bedside? The Medical, Ethical, and Pastoral Issues of Death and Dying, 63:3, 208, S 2011. (Paul Chamberlain)
Frank, Adam. The Constant Fire: Beyond the Science vs. Religion Debate, 63:3, 213, S 2011. (John W. Burgeson)
Martin-Schramm, James B. Climate Justice: Ethics, Energy, and Public Policy, 63:3, 204, S 2011. (James R. Skillen)
Miller, Richard W., ed. God, Creation, and Climate Change: A Catholic Response to the Environmental Crisis, 63:3, 205, S 2011. (Michael Schut)
Mitchell, Lynn and Kirk Blackard. Reconciling the Bible and Science: A Primer on the Two Books of God, 63:3, 214, S 2011. (Karen Strand Winslow)
Mlodinow, Leonard. The Drunkard’s Walk: How Randomness Rules Our Lives, 63:3, 210, S 2011. (Randall Pruim)
Peterson, James. Changing Human Nature: Ecology, Ethics, Genes, and God, 63:3, 209, S 2011. (Allen Verhey)
Schwartz, Sanford. C. S. Lewis on the Final Frontier: Science and the Supernatural in the Space Trilogy, 63:3, 213, S 2011. (Harry Lee Poe)
Wüstenberg, Ralf K., Stefan Heuser, and Esther Hornung, eds. Bonhoeffer and the Biosciences: An Initial Exploration, 63:3, 207, S 2011. (Patrick S. Franklin)
Book Reviews by Reviewer
Burgeson, John W. Review of The Constant Fire: Beyond the Science vs. Religion Debate by Adam Frank, 63:3, 213, S 2011.
Campbell, David. Review of When Faith and Science Collide: A Biblical Approach to Evaluating Evolution and the Age of the Earth by G. R. Davidson , 63:3, 211, S 2011.
Chamberlain, Paul. Review of Is God Still at the Bedside? The Medical, Ethical, and Pastoral Issues of Death and Dying by Abigail Rian Evans, 63:3, 208, S 2011.
Clements, David R. Review of Global Warming and the Risen Lord: Christian Discipleship and Climate Change by Jim Ball, 63:3, 206, S 2011.
Franklin, Patrick S. Review of Bonhoeffer and the Biosciences: An Initial Exploration by Ralf K. Wüstenberg, Stefan Heuser, and Esther Hornung, eds., 63:3, 207, S 2011.
Lamoureux, Denis O. Review of Science, Creation and the Bible: Reconciling Rival Theories of Origins by Richard F. Carlson and Tremper Longman III, 63:3, 211, S 2011.
Poe, Harry Lee. Review of C. S. Lewis on the Final Frontier: Science and the Supernatural in the Space Trilogy by Sanford Schwartz, 63:3, 213, S 2011.
Pruim, Randall. Review of The Drunkard’s Walk: How Randomness Rules Our Lives, 63:3, 210, S 2011.
Schut, Michael. Review of God, Creation, and Climate Change: A Catholic Response to the Environmental Crisis by Richard W. Miller, ed., 63:3, 205, S 2011.
Skillen, James R. Review of Climate Justice: Ethics, Energy, and Public Policy by James B. Martin-Schramm, 63:3, 204, S 2011.
Sollereder, Bethany. Review of Darwin’s Pious Idea: Why the Ultra-Darwinists and Creationists Both Get it Wrong by Conor Cunningham, 63:3, 212, S 2011.
Verhey, Allen. Review of Changing Human Nature: Ecology, Ethics, Genes, and God by James Peterson, 63:3, 209, S 2011.
Winslow, Karen Strand. Review of Reconciling the Bible and Science: A Primer on the Two Books of God by Lynn Mitchell and Kirk Blackard, 63:3, 214, S 2011.
Leegwater, Arie. “A Brief Excursion in Chemistry: “God-Talk” in Chemistry?” 63:3, 145, S 2011.
Essay Book Reviews by Book Author
Mitchell, Lynn and Kirk Blackard. Reconciling the Bible and Science: A Primer on the Two Books of God, 63:3, 193, S 2011. (Daniel K. Brannan)
Essay Book Reviews by Reviewer
Brannan, Daniel K. “The Two Books Metaphor and Churches of Christ.” Review of Reconciling the Bible and Science: A Primer on the Two Books of God by Lynn Mitchell and Kirk Blackard, 63:3, 193, S 2011.
Alexanian, Moorad. “Humans: The Supernatural in Nature,”63:3, 215, S 2011.
Jones, D. Gareth. “Taking Neuroscience Seriously,”63:3, 216, S 2011.