Perspectives on Science and Christian Faith Index: December 2011, 63:4
Freeland, Stephen. “ The Evolutionary Origins of Genetic Information,” 63:4, 240, D 2011.
Isaac, Randy. “Information, Intelligence, and the Origins of Life,” 63:4, 219, D 2011.
Warren, E. Janet. “ Chaos and Chaos-Complexity Theory: Understanding Evil Forces with Insights from Contemporary Science and Linguistics,” 63:4, 255, D 2011.
Watts, Jonathan K. “ Biological Information, Molecular Structure, and the Origins Debate,” 63:4, 231, D 2011.
Book Reviews by Book Author
Agar, Nicholas. Humanity’s End: Why We Should Reject Radical Enhancement, 63:4, 270, D 2011. (James C. Peterson)
Bancewicz, Ruth, ed. Test of Faith: Spiritual Journeys with Scientists, 63:4, 282, D 2011. (Keri McFarlane)
Berg, Arnie. A Reasonable God: Ordinary Action in a Supernatural World, 63:4, 273, D 2011. (Gary De Boer)
Bradley, James, and Russell Howell. Mathematics through the Eyes of Faith, 63:4, 272, D 2011. (Joshua B. Wilkerson)
Coleson, Joseph. Care of Creation: Christian Voices on God, Humanity, and the Environment, 63:4, 267, D 2011. (Charles E. Chaffey)
Collins, C. John. Did Adam and Eve Really Exist? Who They Were and Why You Should Care, 63:4, 277, D 2011. (Denis O. Lamoureux)
Dembski, William A., and Jonathan Witt. Intelligent Design Uncensored, 63:4, 280, D 2011. (Terry Gray)
Dennett, Daniel C., and Alvin Plantinga. Science and Religion: Are They Compatible?, 63:4, 281, D 2011. (Robert P. Doede)
Dudley, Jonathan. Broken Words: The Abuse of Science and Faith in American Politics, 63:4, 278, D 2011. (Robin Pals-Rylaarsdam)
Foster, Charles. Wired for God? The Biology of Spiritual Experience, 63:4, 285, D 2011. (Matthew J. Van Hook)
Goodman, Lenn E. Creation and Evolution, 63:4, 274, D 2011. (Bruce K. Waltke)
Jaeger, Lydia. Einstein, Polanyi and the Laws of Nature, 63:4, 286, D 2011. (Robert C. Bishop)
Macdougall, Doug. Why Geology Matters: Decoding the Past, Anticipating the Future, 63:4, 269, D 2011. (Davis A. Young)
Nelson, Dean, and Karl Giberson. Quantum Leap: How John Polkinghorne Found God in Science and Religion, 63:4, 271, D 2011. (Steve Bishop)
Oord, Thomas Jay, ed. The Polkinghorne Reader: Science, Faith, and the Search for Meaning, 63:4, 279, D 2011. (Anthony L. [Tony] Blair)
Polkinghorne, John. Encountering Scripture: A Scientist Explores the Bible, 63:4, 279, D 2011. (Anthony L. [Tony] Blair)
Polkinghorne, John, ed. The Trinity and an Entangled World: Relationality in Physical Science and Theology, 63:4, 285, D 2011. (Robert B. Mann)
Rossano, Matt J. Supernatural Selection: How Religion Evolved, 63:4, 283, D 2011. (Bruce Buttler)
Smith, James K. A., and Amos Yong, eds. Science and the Spirit: A Pentecostal Engagement with the Sciences, 63:4, 284, D 2011. (Dominic M. Halsmer)
Stenger, Victor J. The Fallacy of Fine-Tuning: Why the Universe Is Not Designed for Us, 63:4, 267, D 2011. (William R. Wharton)
Tattersall, Ian. Paleontology: A Brief History of Life, 63:4, 275, D 2011. (Lloyd W. J. Aultman-Moore)
Watts, Fraser, ed. Spiritual Healing: Scientific and Religious Perspectives, 63:4, 270, D 2011. (John F. Pohl)
Book Reviews by Reviewer
Aultman-Moore, Lloyd W. J. Review of Paleontology: A Brief History of Life by Ian Tattersall, 63:4, 275, D 2011.
Bishop, Robert C. Review of Einstein, Polanyi and the Laws of Nature by Lydia Jaeger, 63:4, 286, D 2011.
Bishop, Steve. Review of Quantum Leap: How John Polkinghorne Found God in Science and Religion by Dean Nelson and Karl Giberson, 63:4, 271, D 2011.
Blair, Anthony L. (Tony). Review of Encountering Scripture: A Scientist Explores the Bible by John Polkinghorne, 63:4, 279, D 2011.
Blair, Anthony L. (Tony). Review of The Polkinghorne Reader: Science, Faith, and the Search for Meaning by Thomas Jay Oord, ed., 63:4, 279, D 2011.
Buttler, Bruce. Review of Supernatural Selection: How Religion Evolved by Matt J. Rossano, 63:4, 283, D 2011.
Chaffey, Charles E. Review of Care of Creation: Christian Voices on God, Humanity, and the Environment by Joseph Coleson, ed., 63:4, 267, D 2011.
De Boer, Gary. Review of A Reasonable God: Ordinary Action in a Supernatural World by Arnie Berg, 63:4, 273, D 2011.
Doede, Robert P. Review of Science and Religion: Are They Compatible? by Daniel C. Dennett and Alvin Plantinga, 63:4, 281, D 2011.
Gray, Terry. Review of Intelligent Design Uncensored by William A. Dembski and Jonathan Witt, 63:4, 280, D 2011.
Halsmer, Dominic M. Review of Science and the Spirit: A Pentecostal Engagement with the Sciences by James K. A. Smith and Amos Yong, eds., 63:4, 284, D 2011.
Lamoureux, Denis O. Review of Did Adam and Eve Really Exist? Who They Were and Why You Should Care by C. John Collins, 63:4, 277, D 2011.
Mann, Robert B. Review of The Trinity and an Entangled World: Relationality in Physical Science and Theology by John Polkinghorne, ed., 63:4, 285, D 2011.
McFarlane, Keri. Review of Test of Faith: Spiritual Journeys with Scientists by Ruth Bancewicz, ed., 63:4, 282, D 2011.
Pals-Rylaarsdam, Robin. Review of Broken Words: The Abuse of Science and Faith in American Politics by Jonathan Dudley, 63:4, 278, D 2011.
Peterson, James C. Review of Humanity’s End: Why We Should Reject Radical Enhancement by Nicholas Agar, 63:4, 270, D 2011.
Pohl, John F. Review of Spiritual Healing: Scientific and Religious Perspectives by Fraser Watts, ed., 63:4, 270, D 2011.
Van Hook, Matthew J. Review of Wired for God? The Biology of Spiritual Experience by Charles Foster, 63:4, 285, D 2011.
Waltke, Bruce K. Review of Creation and Evolution by Lenn E. Goodman, 63:4, 274, D 2011.
Wharton, William R. Review of The Fallacy of Fine-Tuning: Why the Universe Is Not Designed for Us by Victor J. Stenger, 63:4, 267, D 2011.
Wilkerson, Joshua B. Review of Mathematics through the Eyes of Faith by James Bradley and Russell Howell, 63:4, 272, D 2011.
Young, Davis A. Review of Why Geology Matters: Decoding the Past, Anticipating the Future by Doug Macdougall, 63:4, 269, D 2011.
Leegwater, Arie. “Last Call: Reflections of an Editor,” 63:4, 217, D 2011.
Hammond, Percy. “On the Relevance of the Idea of Complementarity” (PSCF 63, no. 2 [2011]: 75–84), 63:4, 287, D 2011.
Huebner, Donald A. “Biblical Longevities: Some Questions and Issues” (PSCF 63, no. 2 [2011]: 117–30), 63:4, 287, D 2011.