Perspectives on Science and Christian Faith Index: September 2009, 61:3
Davis, Edward B. “Prophet of Science—Part Two: Arthur Holly Compton on Science, Freedom, Religion, and Morality,” 61:3, 175, S 2009.
Mann, Robert B. “The Puzzle of Existence,” 61:3, 139, S 2009.
Stearley, Ralph F.“Assessing Evidences for the Evolution of a Human Cognitive Platform for ‘Soulish Behaviors,’” 61:3, 152, S 2009.
Book Notice by Author
Crowe, Michael J., ed. The Extraterrestrial Life Debate, Antiquity to 1915: A Source Book, 61:3, 208, S 2009. (Arie Leegwater)
Book Notice by Reviewer
Leegwater, Arie. Review of The Extraterrestrial Life Debate, Antiquity to 1915: A Source Book, by Michael J. Crowe, ed. 61:3, 208, S 2009.
Book Reviews by Author
Atchley, Robert C. Spirituality and Aging, 61:3, 197, S 2009. (David O. Moberg)
Bennett, Gaymon, Martinez J. Hewlett, Ted Peters, and Robert John Russell, eds. The Evolution of Evil, 61:3, 204, S 2009. (James C. Peterson)
Keller, Timothy. The Reason for God: Belief in an Age of Skepticism, 61:3, 203, S 2009. (Allan H. Harvey)
O’Connor, Timothy. Theism and Ultimate Explanation: The Necessary Shape of Contingency, 61:3, 205, S 2009. (Jay Aultman-Moore)
Pannenberg, Wolfhart, ed. Niels Henrik Gregersen. The Historicity of Nature: Essays on Science and Theology, 61:3, 207, S 2009. (Scott Hoezee)
Plantinga, Alvin and Michael Tooley. Knowledge of God, 61:3, 205, S 2009. (Jay Aultman-Moore)
Ross, Hugh. More than a Theory: Revealing a Testable Model for Creation, 61:3, 201, S 2009. (Darrel R. Falk)
Ross, Hugh. More than a Theory: Revealing a Testable Model for Creation, 61:3, 203, S 2009. (Kyle Cudworth)
Ruse, Michael. Charles Darwin (Blackwell Great Minds Series), 61:3, 198, S 2009. (David Campbell)
Van Brummelen, Glen. The Mathematics of the Heavens and the Earth, 61:3, 199, S 2009. (Andrew J. Simoson)
Book Reviews by Reviewer
Aultman-Moore, Jay. Review of Knowledge of God, by Alvin Plantinga and Michael Tooley. 61:3, 205, S 2009.
Aultman-Moore, Jay. Review of Theism and Ultimate Explanation: The Necessary Shape of Contingency, by Timothy O’Connor. 61:3, 205, S 2009.
Campbell, David. Review of Charles Darwin (Blackwell Great Minds Series), by Michael Ruse. 61:3, 198, S 2009.
Cudworth, Kyle. Review of More than a Theory: Revealing a Testable Model for Creation, by Hugh Ross. 61:3, 203, S 2009.
Falk, Darrel R. Review of More than a Theory: Revealing a Testable Model for Creation, by Hugh Ross. 61:3, 201, S 2009.
Harvey, Allan H. Review of The Reason for God: Belief in an Age of Skepticism, by Timothy Keller. 61:3, 203, S 2009.
Hoezee, Scott. Review of The Historicity of Nature: Essays on Science and Theology, by Wolfhart Pannenberg; ed. Niels Henrik Gregersen. 61:3, 207, S 2009.
Moberg, David O. Review of Spirituality and Aging, by Robert C. Atchley. 61:3, 197, S 2009.
Peterson, James C. Review of The Evolution of Evil, by Gaymon Bennett, Martinez J. Hewlett, Ted Peters, and Robert John Russell, eds. 61:3, 204, S 2009.
Simoson, Andrew J. Review of The Mathematics of the Heavens and the Earth, by Glen Van Brummelen. 61:3, 199, S 2009.
Guest Editorial
Davis, Edward B. “The ASA in 2109: How We Got There,” 61:3, 137, S 2009.
Review and Response
Green, Joel B. “A Response, by author Joel B. Green, to Scott B. Rae’s review,” 61:3, 194, S 2009.
Rae, Scott B. “Review of Body, Soul, and Human Life: The Nature of Humanity in the Bible,” 61:3, 191, S 2009.