Perspectives on Science and Christian Faith Index: June 2008, 60:2



Bjork, Russell C. “Artificial Intelligence and the Soul,” 60:2, 95, J 2008.

Finlay, Graeme. “Human Evolution: How Random Process Fulfils Divine Purpose,” 60:2, 103, J 2008.

Kalthoff, Mark A. “Optimistic Evolutionists: The Progressive Science and Religion of
Joseph LeConte, Henry Ward Beecher, and Lyman Abbott,” 60:2, 84, J 2008.

Schuurman, Egbert.“The Challenge of Islam’s Critique of Technology,” 60:2, 75, J 2008.


Book Reviews

Beauregard, Mario and Denyse O’Leary. The Spiritual Brain: A Neuroscientist’s Case for the Existence of the Soul, 60:2, 130, J 2008. (Bradford McCall)

Cohen, Daniel J. Equations from God: Pure Mathematics and Victorian Faith, 60:2, 133, J 2008. (Calvin Jongsma)

Daley-Harris, Shannon and Jeffrey Keenan. Our Day to End Poverty: 24 Ways You Can Make a Difference, 60:2, 131, J 2008. (William Jordan)

Eddy, Paul Rhodes and Gregory A. Boyd. The Jesus Legend: A Case for the Historical Reliability of the Synoptic Jesus Tradition, 60:2, 139, J 2008. (James C. Peterson)

Flew, Antony (with Roy Abraham Varghese). There Is a God: How the World’s Most Notorious Atheist Changed His Mind, 60:2, 137, J 2008. (Donald A. Yerxa)

Giberson, Karl W. Saving Darwin: How to Be a Christian and Believe in Evolution, 60:2, 140, J 2008. (Rebecca J. Flietstra)

Guyatt, Nicholas. Have a Nice Doomsday: Why Millions of Americans Are Looking Forward to the End of the World, 60:2, 139, J 2008. (John W. Burgeson)

Haarsma, Deborah B. and Loren D. Haarsma. Origins: A Reformed Look at Creation, Design, and Evolution, 60:2, 134, J 2008. (Darrel R. Falk)

Hunter, Cornelius G. Science’s Blind Spot: The Unseen Religion of Scientific Naturalism, 60:2, 135, J 2008. (Jitse M. Van der Meer)

Kaiser, Christopher B. Toward a Theology of Scientific Endeavour: The Descent of Science, 60:2, 141, J 2008. (Gordon Brown)

Margulis, Lynn and Eduardo Punset, eds. Mind, Life, and Universe: Conversations with Great Scientists of Our Time, 60:2, 130, J 2008. (Dennis W. Cheek)

Monbiot, George. Heat: How to Stop the Planet from Burning, 60:2, 128, J 2008. (Charles E. Chaffey)

Moore, T. M. Culture Matters: A Call for Consensus on Christian Cultural Engagement, 60:2, 142, J 2008. (Mark A. Strand)

Netz, Reviel and William Noel. The Archimedes Codex: How a Medieval Prayer Book Is Revealing the True Genius of Antiquity's Greatest Scientist, 60:2, 132, J 2008. (Andrew J. Simoson)

Peters, Ted. Anticipating Omega: Science, Faith and Our Ultimate Future, 60:2, 138, J 2008. (George L. Murphy)

———. The Stem Cell Debate, 60:2, 129, J 2008. (James C. Peterson)

Polkinghorne, John. Quantum Physics and Theology: An Unexpected Kinship, 60:2, 140, J 2008. (Anthony L. Blair)

Rolnick, Philip A. Person, Grace, and God, 60:2, 136, J 2008. (Anthony L. Blair)

Schapiro, Mark. Exposed: The Toxic Chemistry of Everyday Products and What’s at Stake for American Power, 60:2, 128, J 2008. (J. David Holland)

Yancey, George. Beyond Racial Gridlock: Embracing Mutual Responsibility, 60:2, 142, J 2008. (Karl J. Franklin)


Leegwater, Arie. “Faith and Scientific Practice,” 60:2, 73, J 2008.

Essay Book Review

Stewart, ed. Robert B. Intelligent Design: William A. Dembski & Michael Ruse in Dialogue, 60:2, 122, J 2008. (J. W. Haas, Jr.)


Hill, Carol A. “A Response to Paul Seely’s Response to Carol Hill’s Worldview Alternative,” (PSCF 60, no. 1 [2008]: 44–7), 60:2, 143, J 2008.

———. “Response to P. G. Nelson’s ‘Numerology in Genesis,’” (PSCF 60, no. 1 [2008]: 70–1), 60:2, 144, J 2008.

Osepchuk, John M. “Comments on Ackerman’s and Swartzendruber’s Articles,” (PSCF 59, no. 4 [2007]: 251–64; 265–7), 60:2, 144, J 2008.

Students and Early Career Forum

Miller, Keith B. and Ruth Douglas Miller. “Staying on the Road Less Traveled: Fulfilling a Vocation in Science,” 60:2, 115, J 2008.

Strand, Mark. “A Compass for Christian Graduate Students,” 60:2, 118, J 2008.