Perspectives on Science and Christian Faith Index: September 2005
Bergman, Jerry. “The History of the Dodo Bird and the Cause of Its Extinction,” 57:3, 221, S 2005.
Bouma III, Hessel. “Challenges & Lessons from the Terri Schiavo Case,” 57:3, 212, S 2005.
Isaac, Randy. “From Gaps to God,” 57:3, 230, S 2005.
Jeeves, Malcolm. “Neuroscience, Evolutionary Psychology, and the Image of God,” 57:3, 170, S 2005.
Jones, D. Gareth. “Genetic Prospects: Finding a Balance between Choice and Acceptance,” 57:3, 202, S 2005.
Rüst, Peter. “Dimensions of the Human Being and of Divine Action,” 57:3, 191, S 2005.
Siemens, Jr., David F. “Neuroscience, Theology, and Unintended Consequences,” 57:3, 187, S 2005.
Tanzella-Nitti, G. “The Two Books Prior to the Scientific Revolution,” 57:3, 235, S 2005.
Book Reviews
Barber, Nigel. Kindness in a Cruel World, 57:3, 262, S 2005. (Richard Ruble)
Boa, Kenneth. Augustine to Freud: What Theologians Tell Us about Human Nature (And Why It Matters), 57:3, 262, S 2005. (Robert Rogland)
Bryson, Bill. A Short History of Nearly Everything, 57:3, 253, S 2005. (Richard Ruble)
Davies, Douglas J. A Brief History of Death, 57:3, 260, S 2005. (Richard Ruble)
Egan, Hope. Holy Cow: Does God Care What We Eat? 57:3, 252, S 2005. (Richard Ruble)
Falk, Darrel R. Coming to Peace with Science, 57:3, 250, S 2005. (Joseph H. Lechner)
Freeman, Charles. The Closing of the Western Mind: The Rise of Faith and the Fall of Reason, 57:3, 258, S 2005. (Ken Mickleson)
Guillen, Michael. Can a Smart Person Believe in God? 57:3, 259, S 2005. (Richard Ruble)
Hellyer, Marcus. Catholic Physics: Jesuit Natural Philosophy in Early Modern Germany, 57:3, 254, S 2005. (Robert Rogland)
Lightman, Alan. A Sense of the Mysterious: Science and the Human Spirit, 57:3, 251, S 2005. (Moorad Alexanian)
McGrath, Alister E. The Science of God: An Introduction to Scientific Theology, 57:3, 257, S 2005. (Fraser F. Fleming)
O’Leary, Denyse. By Design or by Chance? 57:3, 255, S 2005. (George L. Murphy)
Peters, Ted and Martinez Hewlett. Evolution from Creation to New Creation: Conflict, Conversation, and Convergence, 57:3, 256, S 2005. (George L. Murphy)
Pojman, Louis P., ed. The Moral Life: An Introductory Reader in Ethics and Literature, 57:3, 249, S 2005. (Richard Ruble)
Post, S. G. Human Nature and the Freedom of Public Religious Expression, 57:3, 260, S 2005. (Todd K. Pedlar)
Reagan, Michael, ed. Inside the Mind of God: Images and Words of Inner Space, 57:3, 255, S 2005. (Richard Ruble)
Silverman, Kenneth. Lightning Man: The Accursed Life of Samuel F. B. Morse, 57:3, 253, S 2005. (John W. Burgeson)
Sire, James W. Naming the Elephant: Worldview as a Concept, 57:3, 259, S 2005. (O. C. Karkalits)
Stannard, Russell. Science and the Renewal of Belief, 57:3, 251, S 2005. (Mark A. Strand)
Strobel, Lee. The Case for a Creator: A Journalist Investigates Scientific Evidence That Points Toward God, 57:3, 249, S 2005. (J. David Holland)
Wilcox, David L. God and Evolution: A Faith-based Understanding, 57:3, 257, S 2005. (Michael A. Vincent)
Miller, Roman. “Creative Barn Building,” 57:3, 169, S 2005.
Siemens, Jr., David F. “Why Tie ID to Endosymbiosis?” (PSCF 57, no. 2 [June 2005]: 98–113), 57:3, 263, S 2005.